The first edition of “Distillato” (Distilled) was born in May 2005, as a single copy art book.
My intent was to create a work that would tell with renewed synergy between words and images, and therefore was much more than a collection of short stories or a photo book.
It was an unique edition because it did not already exist the print on demand yet, and digital printing  was born so recently that it was hard to call it reliable.  It remained a kind of collective work, a personal tribute to an artistic utopia and, therefore, to be held in a limited edition in order to limit the financial damage of the artist.
Since then in 2005 I never more separated from the camera, and the image has remained a fundamental element of everything I do in terms of creative and professional.
"Distillato" remained for many years on the shelf of my library among anything I made "physical" and "tangible". 
Meanwhile, in late 2011, this fast moving world that is under the name of "digital publishing" has undergone a pulse that is developing exponentially and unpredictable ideas and accomplishments. The iPad and other tablets have unimaginable potential than the print media for the realization of “ikonovelistic” works, raising the level of involvement of the reader, expanding the range of the senses. They are like new "magic mirrors" to be discovered, just knowing the right incantations. For my age, studies and experiences I think I would not be up to offer true "quantum leaps" in the use of emotion content to these devices, but this is an irresistible dreaming.

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